Dream Interpretation › Car (automobile) - Dream meaning and symbolism
Car (automobile) - Dream meaning and symbolism

Main symbolic meaning
To grasp properly the symbolic meaning of cars in our dreams, it is necessary to distinguish the essence of a car from the essence of a train, a horse, a bike or a plain; simply from other means of transport. Cars are cold and technical – a horse is warm, natural and living. A car is artificial, cold and inactive. A car (like a train or a bike) is made from steel, aluminium and modern light composite materials. Now the symbolic meaning:
- Power and potential for effective solution – a car is a special “tool” for moving fast from one place to another. It is a symbolic accelerator when conditions are favourable (full tank, straight road, smooth surface …) because driving the car is faster than simply walking.
- Control – it always matters who is driving the car (who sits behind the steering wheel). All other passengers have very limited and indirect control (speed and direction of the journey). If you are not the driver, it symbolically means you don’t have your life in your own hands.
- Social status – your car is one from the best symbols of your wealth, social status and your taste. To be honest, it was also one from its primary goals, because first cars were so expensive, that only aristocracy or most wealthy business families could afford them. There were no proper roads, not mentioning speed highways, and thus the meaning of cars was merely symbolical and not at all practical. Ford Model T made the difference as the first affordable auto mobile, but that is another story.
Driving a car
As mentioned above, if you dream about driving a car, the symbolic meaning is oriented to your social status and to your ability to control your life effectively. Thus, it is important to find out more about the condition of the vehicle. A poor technical shape or very cheap model means that you are not using very efficient means to solve your daily tasks, or that you consider your current material situation as unsatisfactory, or maybe shameful. And conversely, if you have pleasant feelings from a fast ride in a luxury big car, probably your dreams want to "inject" a powerful motivation in your unconscious mind. Dreaming about superb car may often mean just fulfilling the wish to be rich and proud person.
Some else is driving the car
From the symbolic perspective it is absolutely crucial to know who is driving the car.
- Your children are driving the car – it may mean childish, foolish or irresponsible part of your personality is now taking the control over your life.
- Your parents are driving the car – it may symbolize that responsible and authoritative forces of your decision making are now leading.
- Your boss, lover, friends, stranger – whoever sits behind the steering wheel embodies your inner potential, or a force that takes lead against (or in accordance with) your will.
Car accident or car crash
If you dream about being hit by a car, you probably fear of a collision with someone's bold plans. The meaning is often obvious: the stronger and socially better placed person may be dangerous (fast, heavy car) if you are crossing his / her intentions. On the other hand, even if it sounds strange, sometimes being hit by a car is just "a look into mirror" where you see an inner desperate conflict (car crash) – one of your own desires is contradictory, powerful and aggressive; so much it can even destroy your whole life (dying in a car accident). In a deadly accident, the meaning of your dream is symbolically the form of a failed inner dialogue.
Car chase, speeding
Who is winning the chase? Is the chase unpleasantly dangerous or just fabulously thrilling? The meaning of a dream full of speed, adrenaline and squealing tires depends on circumstances. There are two possible extremes:
- Fulfilled wish – you just want to experience something exciting, because your life is boring indeed.
- Mental "wash out" – your life is full of stress and you can't handle such pressure. Thus, the stress is transformed by your dream into power and speed of a car. In such metaphorical way your mind is trying to control the situation, or at least to get used to it.
New car
The meaning of a brand new car may be: new energy, new task, new ideas on how to explore distant horizons of life; or a hope of better tomorrow, higher social status or promotion.
Do you dream about a car on fire? Is your car burning? It means you are afraid of losing power and potential for effective solution, maybe your wealth or career is endangered. But to dream about burning car can be also a spiritual catalyst – destroying material wealth and concentrate on pure mental energy and religious life.
Get lost while driving a car
GPS navigation is a very helpful tool while driving. If you get lost in your dream it means you want to find out who you really are. Maybe you're experiencing a period of confusion in your waking life. To be lost with your car means your inner will appreciates the ability to look for the new path of life (to find yourself).
Autonomous car (self-driving car)
Autonomous (self-driving) cars are symbolically connected to artificial intelligence and prestigious futuristic tomorrows. It is therefore necessary to decide, if you are only longing to have such autonomous car so much, that this wish enters even your dreams – or, if such self-driving car is rather symbolic for the inhuman forces and alienation (Do you feel like a robot at work? Are you afraid that your life is just rational and mechanical vehicle where is no place for human intentions, warmth and sensitivity? etc.)

Inspiring art where fire plays important symbolic role.
Paintings, photographs
- Huge crowds surround the All Night And Day Bank on the corner of Spring Street and Sixth Street, April, 1910
- Inside Rolls Royce
- Inside Bentley
- Top 10 Movies for Car Enthusiasts
- Top 10 Movie Car Crashes
- Bullitt (1968) - San Francisco Car Chase Scene
- The Invention Of The Car
- Formula 1 History